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(from the artists statement)

Being Liminal (2007)

I created this site specific piece for Muscailt (2007), an on-campus arts festival at NUI Galway.  I was also teaching ‘Women and Visual Culture’ as part of the women’s studies programme at the time.


The work was exhibited in the foyer of Aras Moyola, home to nursing and midwifery studies on campus.


It reflected an aspect of the threshold state of being a mother.

As a woman and a mother, I am interested in the continuous exchange between mother and child and how that influences not only my sense of self, my identity, but also how self and identity are understood and articulated.


I feel that I exist in a threshold state, one of constant becoming.  I experience the world from this liminal position, and, in my work I seek to reflect this state of being, this ‘being liminal’.

Being Liminal close up, Muscailt, NUI Ga
Being Liminal, Muscailt, NUI Galway (200
Being Liminal, Muscailt, NUI Galway (200
Being Liminal, NUI Galway, Muscailt (200
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