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The Body Politic in Left Overs exhibition, London - Nov 2017 hosted by Procreate Project

from the artist statement

"... This photographic print, ‘The Body Politic’ (oils, inks, threads, embroidery on layers of organza) engages with the gradual disintegration of the image of the birthing body through the internalized institutional authority over childbirth. The image carries elements/moments of this experience, a fragmentary, separating experience, much like the experience of childbirth itself, which can be disconnected and disjointed leaving one feeling somehow broken - a remnant and a leftover.


Childbirth is hidden in plain sight, the plain sight of the obstetric, legal, social, technological and cultural gazes that are nurtured within our social and cultural spheres, and most significantly within our maternity services.  The evolution of this way of seeing childbirth continues to rely heavily on the collaboration between art and medicine to create a fragmented, compartmentalized mechanistic vision of the birthing body that erases the experience of childbirth itself.

The experience of birth is all too often like a leftover, a trace, a remnant experience, unfinished that we carry with us throughout our lives.

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